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News in Nanocrystals Seminar
News in Nanocrystals is a weekly Zoom-based webinar series created as a substitute for suspended seminars in the nanocrystal community. Please join us on alternating Wedensdays at 11 AM EST/5 PM CET by registering. We send out emails every second Tuesday with Zoom link information. We look forward to "seeing" you!
You can now nominate a speaker! Let us know who you would like to see give a seminar by filling out the form.
For the graduate student/postdoc talks, please apply to give a talk with an abstract of your work.

Upcoming Talks
Name | Date | Talk Title |
Professor Sara Bals (University of Antwerp) | December 6th | 3D Imaging of Nanoparticles and their Transformations by Advanced Electron Tomography |
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